Scenic view of a path through the woods leading to a pond, with mountains in the background and sunlight illuminating the scene.

Meet John: A Guide for Deep Thinkers, Feelers, and Those Searching for Clarity


Have you ever felt out of place, like the world just doesn’t get you? I have too. I’m John, and my journey of searching for meaning and understanding has led me to where I am today—helping others like you find clarity and empowerment through self-awareness.

Therapy helped me reach a certain point, but there was still more. Discovering later in life that I’m gifted and autistic (twice-exceptional autistic) was pivotal. This realization unlocked why I often felt disconnected and profoundly shifted how I understood myself.


My Journey: From Feeling Out of Place to Empowerment

Growing up, I often felt like a spectator in my own life—disconnected, misunderstood, and constantly searching for where I fit in. Through years of reflection and self-discovery, I came to understand that what made me feel different also held the key to my empowerment. This personal journey became the heart of my work—helping others navigate their own path to self-awareness. It taught me that understanding our internal world—our thoughts, feelings, and unique perspectives—is a core component of living authentically.

My Professional Experience

My journey and professional development have always been driven by a passion for understanding the deeper layers of the human experience. With a unique blend of formal education, lived experience, and ongoing learning, I guide deep thinkers and feelers through the complexities of self-awareness and empowerment.


Close-up of a hand gently touching the water's surface, creating ripples among lily pads and golden leaves.

Educational Background

I hold the following degrees:

  • Master of Social Work (Groupwork, mental health, and substance abuse) from the University of Connecticut.
  • Master of Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of New Haven.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Connecticut.


I’ve been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 2012 in the State of Connecticut, working with individuals to navigate emotional challenges, build self-awareness, and find empowerment.


Specialized Training in Giftedness and Neurodivergence:

In addition to my clinical background, I’ve undergone specialized training in understanding giftedness, twice-exceptionality, and neurodivergence. I’ve had the privilege of learning from some of the leading experts in the field, including:


  • Jennifer Harvey Sallin, with whom completed my original qualitative assessment as well as I completed Gifted Psychology 101 and Giftedness Profiling Training through Intergifted
  • Chris Wells, PhD, LSW, at the Dabrowski Center, where I’ve regularly consulted on Positive Disintegration, a key framework in my approach
  • Fabienne Wydler, who conducted my subsequent qualitative gifted assessment through InterGifted

Ongoing Learning & Involvement

I believe that continuous learning is essential to providing the best guidance possible. Here are some of the ongoing ways I continue to deepen my expertise:


  • Currently enrolled in Dabrowski 101 with Chris Wells, PhD
  • Participate in online collegial groups focused on giftedness and Positive Disintegration
  • Regularly receive professional coaching for 2e-autism from experts such as Jennifer Harvey Sallin, Fabienne Wydler, and Katy Higgins Lee, MFT

My Approach: Self-Reflection, Self-Awareness, and Empowerment

Woman contemplatively navigating a labyrinth, depicted in black and white.


I believe that self-awareness is foundational for transformation. Through the process of self-reflection, we begin to uncover the patterns and emotions that shape our experiences. It’s not about fixing yourself—it’s about understanding who you are and what drives you. My approach integrates this deep self-reflection to foster greater self-awareness, leading to empowered, intentional living.


Through my own journey and work with others, I’ve seen how powerful self-reflection can be. When we begin to look inward, the patterns that hold us back start to unravel, revealing a clearer path forward. I guide my clients through self-awareness, helping them understand not just how they feel but why they feel that way—leading to true empowerment.


For some, this process may include discovering they are gifted or twice-exceptional, which can offer profound clarity. However, you don’t need a label to find meaning and empowerment—self-awareness is available to everyone, regardless of your starting point.

Why Work With Me?

Why Work With Me? I’ve been where you are—feeling lost, misunderstood, and searching for answers. Through my journey, I found clarity and empowerment, and I help my clients do the same. 

My work isn’t about giving you answers—it’s about helping you ask the right questions and guiding you as you discover the answers within yourself, including an exploration of your unique psychological profile and how it shapes your experience of the world. 


Together, we’ll tap into your inner strength so you can lead a more meaningful, connected life.


Let’s Begin Your Journey

Are you ready to discover who you truly are? Whether you feel misunderstood, lost, or just unsure of your next step, I’m here to guide you. Let’s work together to uncover the clarity and empowerment that come from self-awareness. Start your journey today—schedule a free discovery call, and let’s see how we can work together.


Ready to Explore Your Path? Let’s Work Together—Book a Free Discovery Call